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Ivy || 18 Months Old

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Ivy || 18 Months Old

Oh my goodness, Ivy turned a year and a half old on Wednesday!! I remember having SO much fun with Kip between the ages of 18 months and two years. Of course, every phase has ups and downs but this period between baby and legit raging toddler can be so sweet.

Ivy at 18 months
Weight: 25 lbs. (22 lbs. 2 oz. at 15 months) 
Height: 32.5 inches (31.5 inches at 15 months)
Personality: Sensitive and sweet
Here is a little recap of the last three months.
16 Months

Blowing kisses and making kissy noises
Said "clickity clack" 8/22/21
First big spill with a bruise and scab on the face
Cut first molars (plus one other tooth)
Chicken gobble chatter 
First trip to a real Jersey beach
Self-weaned, last nursing session 9/3/21
Night terrors (or some sort of wild bad dreams with terrible screaming)
First time in the bike trailer
First time painting with water colors
Mastered riding her car toy
Climbing up stairs 
Little collector of tiny acorns, pebbles, and other small things outside

Favorite activity: Wearing her helmet around outside or putting on shoes

Ivy's biggest milestone at 16 months was officially weaning. I had hoped to maintain just one nursing session in the morning when she first got up, but one day she refused. Then next day I tried again and she looked at me disgusted. So, I guess we're done. Sigh. So bittersweet, it was a remarkably healing journey for me and bonding for the both of us. Certainly not without it's challenges but I still treasured it. I'm glad she stopped when she was ready and I didn't have to force the finish in a traumatic fashion. 

At 16 months, Ivy really began to embrace her independence more with her ability to walk. She absolutely loved being able to roam and explore outside and get into things in the house. She also loves having full access to everything while Kip is at school. Girlfriend barely misses him when he is away all day.

17 Months

Playing with figurine toys
Pushing trains on the table
"Reading" books
Cuddling with stuffed animals
Acting like a little mama
Words: "ook" (book) "go" (go and yogurt) "quirl" (squirrel) "that"
First trip to the dentist
Second blood draw
Second cold 
Dress-up play
First Trunk-or-Treat

Favorite activity: going outside to play or for a walk without the stroller

Ivy's biggest milestone at 17 months was beginning to communicate with more intention. Her receptive language is incredible and she will follow directions and requests as well as let us all know what she wants to do without words. She is also beginning to speak some as well. She has a few standard words, primarily "go." Ivy also started really getting into play this month. She loves little figurines but she has started imitating Kip's play with cars and trains. Ivy is regularly rejected by Kip when he doesn't want her touching his things but she is beginning to navigate that by offering him a toy first as a way to invite him to play with her. Such a smart little lady!! Ivy is really into coloring and stickers and she loves books. She got really into cuddling on the couch and watching Elmo and she loves Super Simple Songs (Kip loved this at that age as well). 

18 Months

Slipper obsessed
Love for Elmo and "met" him for the first time
Super into costume play
Words: "yeah" "peas" (please) "Mimi" (Mandy) and I (for if you ask her her name)
Snack obsessed
Queen of comfort
Lover of shoes and hats
First Halloween trick-or-treating door to door
First time using paint sticks
Riding on the stroller piggy back board
Dislikes bows or barrettes or ties in her hair

Favorite activity: playing with Elmo or cuddling for a show

Ivy's biggest milestone at 18 months is full toddler independence. She is progressing so quickly. She is confident with walking now and straightened out her gait. She tries to dress herself and can put her slippers on independently. She let's us know when she wants a snack and if she wants to watch a show. She gives us all hugs and kisses when we say goodbye and goodnight and greets us with a huge smile when she sees us again. She can point out the moon in the sky and has started to call us by names: Mimi, Mom, and Dada. She tells us her name is "I" if you ask her. She is the queen of comfort and the best snuggler around. She has a sensitive soul and is easily hurt with big emotions but it's just too sweet to see those big crocodile tears roll down her itty bitty face.

Ivy goes to be around 6:20 pm and wakes between 6-6:30 am. She generally does not wake in the night anymore except for the random occasions when she just needs a pat on the back or a quick rock to resettle. It felt like a lifetime journey to get to this place and I'm elated to finally reach it. We've put a nightlight in her room for when she goes down at night but I take it out after she is asleep. She still takes one nap from 10:30 am to around 12:00 pm and is slow to wake, often needing a little cuddle after nap. She is a snuggler and has about 5 little stuffed friends in her bed during the night.
Ivy no longer nurses and is still not interested in drinking cows milk, although she eats loads of yogurt and cheese. She is a fairly picky eater and would prefer if we fed her exclusively fruit. She LOVES fruit with a passion, particularly blueberries. She feeds herself independently and is quite good at using a fork and spoon. She is also a big snacker and is constantly going to the pantry hoping it's open and she can help herself to some yogurt melts, dried fruit, or bar. She loves juice boxes and Popsicles and definitely has a sweet tooth. 
Ivy has started talking and is really adept at communicating with us beyond her limited vocabulary. I love the way she shakes her head and says "yeah" for an affirmative response. Her voice is very breathy and high pitched and just the sweetest most gentle thing. 
Ivy is a play connoisseur. She has taken to many of the more "girly" toys especially playing with dolls and stuffed animals. She also loves figurines and the doll house. However, she is also really interested in Kip's toys and has learned to play trains, cars, monster trucks, and Legos. Ivy is also a bit rough and tumble and enjoys outdoor play and riding her push car.

Ivy really seemed to enjoy this fall season with all its festive fun and I can't wait to see her get into the Christmas season and explore her independence more this winter. I'm loving this age and I'm really excited for the months ahead.

Love this little sweet cheeks SO much!

That's the article Ivy || 18 Months Old

That's it for the article Ivy || 18 Months Old this time, hopefully can be useful for all of you. okay, see you in another article post.

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